
Creathon is the cultural hackathon that takes place each year at LuBeC – Lucca Beni Culturali,  a marathon of ideas that calls up to 15 creative teams, developers and digital artists to collect up to 24 hours Non-stop will bring new projects and / or virtual or real products and digital products to fruition, focusing on … Read more


The potential vocation of the Parteolla area can certainly be aimed at the tourism development of its agricultural economy, the strengthening of its receptive offer in small historic centers and rural areas through the search for identity elements that distinguish and characterize it most. That is why the project for the creation of a territorial … Read more

Cultural cities network

The City of Culture network is aimed at promoting strategic planning of culture, as a flywheel and instrument for the development of the participating territories, also through the exchange of good practices on the promotion of cultural heritage and related tourism. The City of Culture network is a platform for comparing and exchanging between the … Read more

City of Pavia – European paths of faith

Via Francigena was the route that European pilgrims  took when travelling from Canterbury to Rome. The Via Francigena goes through the whole of the Province of Pavia and still today many tourists visit these small villages. The potential for tourism, especially slow tourism, in is very high and Promo PA is developing a project aimed at enhancing … Read more

City of Bari – Bari guest card

We are actively working with local authorities to improve tourist offer engaging all territorial actors (citizens, local authorities, cultural and tourism operator). We are developing an integrated web portal with more then 300 interest points where visitors could find tourism and cultural products, services to improve their stay in Bari.


Cultural Heritage is one other fundamental field of action for Promo PA. We tried to use  technology, innovation, to develop new public and private initiatives and to promote our territories and their heritage. Since 2005, Promo PA yearly organizes LuBeC – Lucca Beni Culturali (Lucca Cultural Heritage). Every October, LuBeC becomes a crossroad between heritage, technology and … Read more