
RESTO CON LIFE is a Life Nature project co-funded by the European Commission, that has the aim to improve the conservation of the habitats and rare animals species and plants, based in the islands of Pianosa, Elba, Montecristo and Giannutri.


PLUTO is a LIFE project fielding several synergistic actions to prevent the use of poison in central and southern Europe and promoting the conservation of protected species susceptible to this threat. Promo PA had the role to create all the communication materials for the project, in particular: three roll-up regarding  the main actions of the … Read more

Green Jobs

Promo PA is updating the Italian Ministry of Labour web portal that is dealing with on line information about Green jobs. The overall objective  is to create a qualifying guidance to address training and work choices towards expanding green economy sectors.


Enerloc is a national Conference on Energy and related issues. Since 2006, Promo PA Fondazione organises the two-day meeting to discuss relevant aspects about the energy sector, present good practices and develop innovative strategies to improve the legislative and regulatory scenario