European Projects

Promo PA Foundation set up a service called Antenna Europa aimed at develop projects in line with  European Union policies.

It employs senior experts working daily in Lucca and in Brussels who  provide monitoring and analysis of policies, programmes and calls for proposal/tender.

Antenna Europa strives for finding the fittest funding for PA and SME projects, and providing the customer with information, technical support and training.

In the past years PromoPA had managed some EU funded projects, especially in the fileds of cultural heritage valorisation and governance, vocational training and local development.

PromoPA had develop a strong knowledge and experience in the European policies and projects including regarding the The Partnership Instrument, the main innovative instrument of the 2014-2020 package, building on the Instrument for Cooperation with Industrialised countries (ICI), and THE INSTRUMENT FOR PRE-ACCESSION ASSISTANCE (IPA). IPA will help the pre-accession countries implement comprehensive reform strategies needed to prepare for future membership, with an emphasis on the rule of law, fundamental rights, economic governance and competitiveness, tangible socio-economic development, regional cooperation, implementation of EU laws and standards, and capacity to manage the Union’s internal policies upon accession.

PromoPa has a multiannual experience in the process of the modernisation of Public Administration and could share its experience in the transfer of the acquis communautaire to pre-accession countries.

At present we are devoloping a transnational network in order to share competences and know-how and to be able to partecipate to european programmes and tenders.