PARES – PARtnership between Employment Services

La raccomandazione della Commissione sulla Garanzia Giovani ha delineato nuovi obiettivi e compiti per gli Stati Membri in materia di occupazione giovanile riconoscendo ai Servizi per l’ impiego pubblici e privati  un ruolo predominante.
PARES si inserisce tra le inziative previste a livello europeo per favorire un dialogo strategico ed integrato tra i servizi per l’impiego pubblici e privati: il progetto intende individuare nuove modalità di collaborazione tra i vari servizi di collocamento al fine di renderli più efficienti ed efficaci per i diversi gruppi di utenti.

The recommendation on Youth Guarantee has outlined new goals and tasks for Member States  with regards to youth employment. In particular it recognised a foundamental role to the Public Emplyment Services (PES). The EU initiative PARES is foreseen at EU level to foster a strategic and integrated dialogue between public and private emplyment services. This initiative aims to identify new ways for these services to cooperate, becoming more efficient and effective for larger and different users.


Il progetto Benchmarking Employment Services’ Contribution to the Implementation of the Youth Guarantee (vincitore del bando Benchmarking between Employment Services) intende sostenere iniziative di confronto tra i  servizi per l’impiego di tre Paesi: Italia, Francia, Ungheria e  Serbia (extra UE) con l’obiettivo di identificare le buone pratiche e utilizzare i risultati di tali azioni di benchmarking per informare i responsabili politici a livello nazionale e comunitario.

The project Benchmarking Employment Services’ Contribution to the implementation of the Youth Guarantee  aims at benchmarking employment services’ contributions to the implementation of the YG in 3 Member States, with one non-Member States serving as a counterfactual test for the findings.


  • Individuazione dei modelli di erogazione nazionali degli Garanzia Giovani nei paesi Partner/ Comparative analysis of Public Emplyment Services’ (PES) roles in Youth Guarantee implementation plans;
  • Analisi dettagliata degli interventi previsti dalla Garanzia Giovani (lavoro, formazione, apprendistato, tirocinio) con individuazione di metodi e procedure replicabili/ Overwiew of the main actions implemented by the Youth Guarantee (job creation, education, traineesheep) and identification of the best practices and lessons learned;
  • Produzione di un report finale con le buone pratiche replicabili e trasferibili a livello europeo/ Dissemination of outcomes and results.


Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali/ Italian Ministry of Labour, Italy
Pole d’emploi, France
National Employement Service, Serbia
National Labour Office, Hungary



Il progetto è stato realizzato con il supporto tecnico di Promopa Fondazione e ISmeri Europa S.r.l


Palazzo Rospigliosi – Via Ventiquattro Maggio, 43, Roma


9.00 Welcoming speech and opening remarks

Bruno Busacca, Responsible for the Technical Secretariat of the Italian Minister of Labour and Social Policies and Italian Youth Guarantee Coordinator:

PARES Project and Employment Services’ contribution to the implementation of the Youth Guarantee

Chair, Grazia Strano, General Director of information systems, technological innovation and communication Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies


9.45–11.00 Speeches

Salvatore Pirrone, General Director for Active Politicy, services for the Employment and Training Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies: The importance of benchmarking for Europe 2020 challenges

Andrea Naldini, Ismeri Europa: Data presentation, preparatory study and research framework


Questions and Discussion


11.30 – 13.30 Case studies

France – Guillaume Vergnet, Direction des Affaires et des Relations internationales Département Benchmark international: The eperience of pole d’Emploi

Italy – Daniele Lunetta, Head of unit Communication and publishing products, Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies: The experience of Italian Employment Services

Serbia – Neda Milanovi?, Head of Division for employment support: The experiences of the National Employment Services

Hungary – Orsolya Kisgyörgy, Department of labour market programmes:Experiences of the implementation of Youth Guarentee in Hungary


14.30-16.30  Open Lab and discussion

From the Youth Guarantee to a new model of active European policy

PES Network and the European Commission

Chair, Marinella Colucci, Head of unit Coordination ef employment services, vocational training, EURES – Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies
16.30 Concluding remarks


Giovani e lavoro: continua il lavoro della Commissione Europea per contribuire al processo di inserimento e re-inserimento dei giovani nel mondo del lavoro

Portale clic lavoro, Ministero del Lavoro

Final report